About OR4

The Recognising and rewarding open research toolkit is produced by the Open and Responsible Researcher Reward and Recognition project (OR4). OR4 is a project of the Open Research Programme, a national initiative to accelerate the uptake of open research practices, supported by Research England and led by the UK Reproducibility Network. The aim of OR4 is to support the implementation of recognition and reward for open research through institutional researcher assessment practices. The project runs from 2021 to 2027.

Toolkit development team

Robert Darby ORCID logo (conceptualization, content development and review, project management and community of practice engagement), Lisa DeBruine ORCID logo (website design and development), Karen Desborough ORCID logo (community of practice engagement and content review), Thomas Rhys Evans ORCID logo (conceptualization, content development and review and community of practice engagement), Evangeline Gowie (community of practice engagement, content review and website support), Neil Jacobs ORCID logo (conceptualization and content development and review), Anna Korzeniowska ORCID logo (content development and review and community of practice engagement), and Candy Rowe ORCID logo (content development and review).


We gratefully acknowledge the contributions of members of the OR4 community of practice, who have participated in the development of this toolkit by commenting on draft materials, undertaking and reporting on institutional self-assessment exercises using the maturity framework, offering case studies, and taking part in stimulating exchanges of experience and knowledge. Members of the community of practice are listed on the OR4 project web page.

We thank colleagues in the OR4 team and the wider Open Resarch Programme for their invaluable contributions and support in developing the toolkit and this website.

Licensing and citation

Unless otherwise specified, material contained in the toolkit is published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence and may be freely re-used with attribution. Please cite this resource as:

UK Reproducibility Network. 2024. Recognising and rewarding open research. https://recognition.ukrn-openresearch.ac.uk/

Contact us

The toolkit will continue to evolve during the lifetime of the OR4 project. We would love to hear from you if you have made use of the toolkit, if you have feedback that will help us improve the toolkit, if you are interested in contributing a case study, or if you have any questions.

Contact Dr Robert Darby at the University of Reading.